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Samhain - Celebrating the Witches New Year

The ancient harvest festival of Samhain traces back to Celtic origins; an annual celebration commemorating summer’s end. Samhain marks the mid-point between the autumn equinox (Mabon) and the winter solstice (Yule), acknowledging the seasonal change into wintered darkness through a celebration of end-of-year abundance, remembrance and release. The Spiritual Origins and Meaning of Hallowe’en (Samhain) […]

5 Litha Journal Prompts to Connect with the Summer Solstice

Celebrations of the sun can be counted amongst the most ancient practices on Earth.  Midsummer which is also known as Lithia to neo-pagans is one of those celebrations. The sun is an entity of pure, cosmic energy, bestowing the radiance of life, potential, passion, and growth upon the planet. Its bright rays lend cleansing to […]

How to Celebrate Beltane: Bonfires, Flowers and May Poles

This post will cover: A festival of fire, fertility, protection and purification, the Pagan holiday of Beltane roots itself in Irish / Celtic mythology. Known more commonly in the modern age as ‘May Day,’ Beltane marks the start of summer’s long-awaited beginning, a celebration of the warm sun as the daylight hours lengthen and bring […]


Savannah Moon is an online boutique that offers a unique selection of journals for manifesting, shadow work, tarot reading, and more. We believe in providing high-quality notebooks that stand out from everything currently offered for modern mystic.

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