The 5 Best Scripting Manifestation Methods to Attract What You Want

Written by Savannah Moon10. 13. 22.

Manifesting a better life can seem impossible when you don’t know where to start, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be very easy. There are dozens of laws of attraction techniques out there, but manifestation scripting is one of the easiest ways to start getting the life you desire. The only thing you need is a set intention, a notebook and a pen.

In this guide we'll cover the best scripting manifestation methods & tips on how to use them.

This post will cover:

best scripting manifestation methods

Best Scripting Manifestation Methods

Like I said, there are a lot of manifestation techniques out there but none are easier than scripting! I've hand picked my 5 favorite scripting methods that I've used successfully. In a future post, I will share my manifestation success stories with you all!

Future Scripting

Future scripting is the best scripting manifestation method if you like to freestyle. This scripting technique allows you to imagine your ideal future, and then write it into existence. The more specific you are, the better. You have the option to write your manifestation scripts in past or present tense. The universe does not care as long as you set your intention and get the message out there.

Octavia Butler wrote about her success years before it happened, using the future scripting manifestation method.  You can see examples of her manifestation scripting and get inspiration Octavia Butler's Future Scripting Manifestation Example. Butler's success is a prime example of why this is a great law of attraction writing method.

111 Manifestation Method

The 111 method is the best manifestation scripting method if you like the 111 angel numbers sequence. It is a another powerful way to script your desires into reality. This method combines the law of attraction and the power of the number 1. Learn more about the meaning and spiritual Significance number the 1. This law of attraction writing technique calls for you to write out your desire statement 1 time in the morning, 1 time in the evening for 11 days.

If you want to give the 111 manifestation method a try read our in-depth guide about 111 Manifestation Method - Law of Attraction Writing Made Easy

369 Manifestation Method

The 369-manifestation method is easy and fun! This is the best scripting manifestation method if you want to combine the power of numerology but get bored quickly (Like with the angel number manifestation methods). Nikola Tesla felt that 369 were significant numbers which are how this technique came to be. You can read more about Tesla’s obsession with 369 and the theories surrounding it here.

To use this law of attraction writing technique you have to write your desire statement sentence three times in the morning. Then you’ll script the same sentence six times in the afternoon. Finally, you’ll repeat the technique nine times in the evening right before bed.

777 Manifestation Method

The number 7 is associated with spirituality, luck, and synchronicity across many spiritual systems. This might be the best scripting manifestation method if you feel the number 7 is lucky. You can read more about its meaning Angel Number 777 and Numerology of the Number 7 .

There are multiple ways you can use this method.

The first 777 manifestation method requires you to script your desire statement 7 times in the morning, seven times during the day, and again at night before bed. You'll do this for 7 days. The second way you can do this is to script your statement 77 times once a day, for seven days in a row.

Learn more about the 777 manifestation technique.

5x55 Manifestation Technique

The 555-manifestation method combines the power of the number 5, the law of attraction and the power of the written word. 555 is a powerful angel number that symbolizes change, transformation, and new opportunities.  This manifestation scripting method requires you to write out your manifestation statement 55 times for five days.

walking along the beach - manifesting a beach vacation

Manifestation Scripting Examples

If you are new to scripting for manifestation it can be hard to know where to begin. Below I have examples of past tense scripting manifestation, present tense manifestation scripting, and law of attraction scripting sentence starters to show you how it's done.

Scripting Manifestation Examples in Past Tense

Here's an example of what you law of attraction writing should sound like if you want to use the past tense to manifest.

Today was amazing! I woke up to the sounds of the ocean in my ears and with suns warm rays touching my skin. The ocean breeze was blowing through my bedroom, my lover was snuggled beside me in bed and I could smell the salt in the air. I got out of the bed and walked to my balcony to find the most beautiful sight. Dolphins were swimming below my balcony. I had the feeling in my heart that today was going to be perfect!

Scripting Manifestation Examples in Present Tense

Here's an example of what your script should read like if you want to use the present tense to manifest.

Today was perfect. As I open my eyes this morning I smell the ocean breeze and hear the waves break on the beach. The sun is on my skin. I feel content. I feel at peace. I know that today everything is going in my favor. I feel serene and peaceful as I go for a beautiful walk on the beach in front of my home. I feel serene. A sense of peace washes over my entire being. I know that everything is working out for my highest good. I am open and receptive to all the goodness that is coming my way today.

Scripting Manifestation Sentence Starters

These manifestation statement sentence starters are designed to help you come up with your own, or finish the sentence.

  • Thank you Universe for . . .
  • I am grateful to the Universe/God for . . .
  • I am excited about manifesting . . .
  • I know that the Universe/God will provide me with . . .
  • I have faith that my manifestation will come true because . .
  • My manifestation is already on its way because . .
  • I attract my manifestation easily and effortlessly because..
  • A miracle happened to me today ...

Tips for Scripting Manifestation

Before you get started here are some general manifestation scripting tips you can use. Do not think of this tips as official rules, they are just guidelines until you build up your manifestation powers.

Start small

It’s always best to start with a micro-manifestation.  It’s like training wheels. If you’re new to this, start by manifesting something small and then work your way up to the big leagues. If you struggle with self-worth, self-concept, and self-esteem starting small may be best until you’re more confident about deserving your desires. There is no rush. Everything you desire is waiting for you to align with it. You will find that your faith in yourself will make it easier to align yourself with what you want more

You don’t need distractions

When you are manifestation scripting, cut the distractions! That means you should Turn off the T.V., close your laptop, and put down your phone (unless you need it to play music). After that, find somewhere comfortable for you to write where you’re unlikely to be interrupted. You’ll need to complete each scripting session in a single setting. Be sure to put yourself in a good state of mind before beginning. Before starting my scripting sessions, I like to turn on white noise or music to play in the background and light incense.

Write like it’s happening

Scripting in the present tense is important. Write about your desires as if they are unfolding before you. The tense is important because you’re writing as if what you want has already happened. Writing as if the outcome is already as you desired prevents your limiting beliefs and emotions from acting as a roadblock. As you get better at this, you can start to write about your manifestations as if they’ve happened.

Don’t be afraid of the details

As the scriptwriter, don’t be afraid to get specific. This particular bit of advice only applies to the freestyle manifestation scripting method. As you sit down to write, take a few moments to try to picture the details of what you want in your mind’s eye. Then commit your vision into your manifestation journal.

Feel your desires

Your emotions could supercharge your scripting sessions. Take a moment and meditate about how it would feel right now if you had everything you want at that moment. Let the feelings move through you, aligning every cell of your being towards your desired outcome. Emotions can also act as a homing beacon for universal energies.

Give thanks

It sounds corny, but the first step is giving gratitude for what you’ve got. You may not be where you want to be , but that doesn’t mean you cannot count your blessings. Don’t be afraid to dig deep if you need to.
Don’t forget to say thank you when you get what you want!

Even Harvard says, gratitude can make your life better: Giving Thanks Can Make You Happier 

Give gratitude

It sounds corny, but the first step is giving gratitude for what you’ve got. You may not be where you want to be , but that doesn’t mean you cannot count your blessings. Don’t be afraid to dig deep if you need to.
Don’t forget to say thank you when you get what you want!

Even Harvard says, gratitude can make your life better: Giving Thanks Can Make You Happier 

Get off your butt

Manifestation isn’t about wishing and hoping. Sometimes that works, but you must align with your goals for consistent results. For example, if you want to find the love of your life, you will have to leave your house. If you want a new job, you’ll have to start asking who is hiring or submitting applications. It is improbable that your dream girl or guy or job is going to waltz through your door. Take action that puts you in alignment with what you want.

Use subliminals and affirmations

Don’t forget to work on your subconscious because most of us have limiting beliefs lurking down there. What we believe about ourselves and how we view the world  often gets in the way. You can use subliminals, recite affirmations and do shadow work to start to reprogram your mind for success. If you are going to use subliminals do some research first to find a reputable creator.

Manifesting FAQ

Here are some common facts and questions about scripting manifestation answered! If you have more questions feel free to give me a shout on Twitter @smoonjournals

Does scripting manifestation work?

Scripting manifestation works for some people, and does not work for others. Many people find success with this manifestation method, so it remains popular.

How long does scripting take to manifest?

Scripting manifestation can happen within hours, days or even years. One day I was cleaning my room when I came across one of my old scripts from 2 years earlier. I had accomplished most of the goals on my script like enroll in college, buy a vintage VW bug, but I still had some desires left on my list.

What to do after scripting manifestation?

When you are done scripting it's time to get to work. You must start taking action! Whatever your desire is you need to start aligning with it. For example, if it's your dream to be a Netflix star it's unlikely you'll be able to accomplish that goal living far away from cities where media making happens.

How often should you script to manifest?

You can script as often as you want but you can't repeat scripts. Once you have scripted for certain goals and exhausted a desire statement it's time to move onto the next !

Can I script manifest on my phone?

Yes you can script manifest on your phone. If you want to make manifest through the digital medium I would recommend creating a private social media account, blog or channel to script on.


Now that you know the 5 best manifestation scripting methods, it’s time to put a pen to paper (or fingers to your screen). Law of attraction writing is a great way to increase your manifesting powers. As with anything, the more you practice the better you get what you want in life. Don’t forget to keep an open mind ,be patient with yourself and remember everything you desire is on the way.

If you’re looking for aesthetically pleasing journals to use, you can find our manifestation journals on Amazon

And don’t forget to tag us in your photos when you manifest something amazing using the journals. I can't wait to hear your success stories.

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