5 Powerful Ostara Journal Prompts to Connect with Spring Energy

Written by Savannah Moon04. 10. 23.

Ostara is a time to think fresh, think new, and grow in equilibrium with the seasons around us. It's the perfect time to set new goals for the year, aided by the clarity of the radiant new season while striving towards the emotional, social, and spiritual harmony you likely spent the cold, miserable winter envisioning.

Keep scrolling for some Ostara themed journal prompts to help spring-clean your mind for the new wave of life waiting ahead!

Ostara Journal Prompts for a Fresh Perspective

Ostara Journal Prompts

Journaling can be one of the best methods for renewing one's self and keeping goals. Writing encourages you to take the conscious time to reflect upon your goals, inspire a fresh mentality, and nurture your sense of self-care, allowing you to rise in harmony with the sun's power. It also creates a time capsule of your thoughts, allowing you to return to your positive, springtime mindset any time you like.

Journal Prompt #1

"If I had a chance to relive the last year, what would I do differently?"

This question might be a little profound, but it captures the essence of rebirth, encouraging a novel attitude to life and the choices you've recently made.

Write a paragraph or two about the things you might have overlooked in the last year and decisions that have stuck in your mind. Focus on your accomplishments and downfalls; perhaps you'd decline to change anything for the blessings you've attained in the last year. Maybe you'd go forth with a new love interest you chose to ignore, or perhaps you'd study harder, be more optimistic, or start that new project you were putting off sooner.

Once written, your paragraph will be woven with the truth of how you should likely approach the new season ahead. Ostara is the perfect season to shed your old ways, start being the person you've dreamed of being and begin embracing the opportunities you may have missed. All these things you've written - do them! This can be your springtime bucket list. Take the leap, start fresh, and the season will be on your side.

Journal Prompt #2

"What do I want to embrace about myself this year?"

This prompt is pretty straightforward, allowing you to delve deeper into your insecurities, bring them to the surface and celebrate yourself for who you indeed are. Start listing your most positive traits. Maybe you'll find some other qualities you'd rather let go of along the way. Write them down too, and preserve your clean, springtime perspective throughout the rest of the year. You can keep turning back to this page whenever you crave an emotional uplift!

Journal Prompt #3

"Activities that will bring me closer to nature and Mother Earth."

Ostara is all about being attuned to the Earth's natural cycles and the clear-headed ambiance of healing and cleansing deep-rooted in the early weeks of spring. It's an excellent time to start meditating if that's something you've been putting off for a while, to explore a new hobby or an old one that makes you feel like yourself again, or to try wandering further into your spiritual practices with the blessing of the season. Let your imagination run wild and vibrant, inspiring a list of activities and easy lifestyle changes which will bring you into closer equilibrium with the Earth's natural healing, power, femininity and your own spirituality. Some examples could be, "Explore a new park I've never been to before" or "Learn to identify a new species of a spring flower."

Journal Prompt #4

"Do I nurture myself enough? How could I nurture my loved ones more?"

If you've been putting off starting a new self-care routine or exercise schedule or feeling like you're not allowing yourself enough space to breathe and be content, Ostara is the time to make that positive change. This also transfers to those around you, especially to parents, siblings, and those naturally aligned with their instincts to love, care and support others in their growth, just as much as focusing upon your personal progression.

Write a few lines about things you do to take care of yourself and things you can try doing better in the future before doing the same with those you love in mind. There's no sense in finding your peace and positivity if you don't share it with those around you!

Journal Prompt #5

"Which bad habit do I need to let go of? Which good habit could take its place?"

There's no better time to reinvent yourself than springtime. New Year's resolutions can feel like a lot of pressure, and during the middle of winter, when life is remarkably void, it's even harder to work up the motivation to address the things which need changing truly.

Ostara offers a second chance to start again, like your own rebirth or resurrection. Take some time to filter through the things that have been burdening you or holding you back. Think about the areas where you might be wasting your time, energy, happiness, or money, and contrast them with positive ideas which will help you heal and progress healthily as an individual instead. Don't be afraid to shed your old skin and leave the past behind you to make way for more fulfilling things - the Spring Equinox is the perfect time to do so.

When Is Ostara 2023?

Ostara always falls on the day of the Spring Equinox, which shifts around slightly every year, between March 19-23rd. This year, 2023, Ostara falls on Monday, 20 March, at 21:25 Universal Coordinated Time in the Northern Hemisphere

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