45 Powerful Manifestation Sentence Starters To Use For Future Scripting

Written by Savannah Moon11. 09. 22.
 Powerful Manifestation Sentence Starters To Use

This post will cover:

Manifestation sentence starters are potent tools to help you when you need a little help with your scripting manifestation. They are perfect for people who like to manifest with paper or use a manifestation journal. It does not matter if you want to attract love, a new job, or money; I've collected manifestation sentence starters for every category. There is something for everyone in this post that can help get your manifesting juices flowing! Are you ready to get started?

Let's do this!

Manifestation Sentence Starters for Love

We all want to attract a particular person and a loving relationship. If you're tired of waiting around, manifestation is one way to ensure you invite romance into your life.

Here are five manifestation sentence starters you can use when scripting romance and love.

  • I knew that I was in love with my particular person/lover/significant other when they . . .
  • I love spending time with my particular person/lover/significant other because . .
  • My ideal relationship is one where I . . .
  • I deserve the type of love I desire because . . .
  • I attract loving, kind people into my life because I ...
  • My special person can't resist me because . . .
  • Our first date was . . .
  • I met my new lover today while I was . . .
  • When I am ready for a new relationship, I will find myself
  • I attract a loving, kind partner who is interested in a long-term relationship by . .

Manifestation Sentence Starters for Money

In this economy, who doesn't want or even need more money? We all dream of being wealthy or, at the very least comfortable financially. It would be nice not to worry about how you can afford something.

Here are five manifestation sentence starters you can use when scripting for financial abundance and cash.

  • I am always in flow with money and quickly receive what I need when I ...
  • Abundance is coming to me in all forms, including money, when I
  • The more money I give away, the more money comes to me because
  • I easily attract money into my life by being
  • I believe I deserve abundance because
  • I am always in the flow of money when I ....
  • Money loves me and is always drawn to me because
  • I am an abundant person, and money is always drawn to me because I . . .

Manifestation Sentence Starters for A New Home

Home is truly where the heart is. Whether you want to manifest your dream home or just the perfect place to rent, here are manifestation sentence starters you need for a new place to live.

  • My new home is a place where I can . . .
  • My new home is perfect for my family and me because ...
  • My dream house has everything I need (list the things it has)...
  • I am in the perfect location for my new home because . .
  • My dream home is always in perfect alignment with my needs and wants because .
  • The design of my new home is perfect for me and my family because .
  • My new home is always in the right place at the right time because .
  • I easily and effortlessly manifest my new home into reality because ....

Manifestation Sentence Starters for A New Job

  • I am so happy and grateful now that I have the perfect new job that . . .
  • The perfect new job for me is one that . .
  • I am open and receptive to new career opportunities and easily find them by . .
  • My perfect new job is in line with my passions and talents because . .
  • I easily manifest my perfect new job by being . . .
  • I got hired today at . . .

Manifestation Sentence Starters for New Consistent Clients

Running your own business is tough, and having a consistent customer base is key. Here are the manifestation sentence starters you need to start attracting loyal customers.

  • My perfect client/customer is . . .
  • I have the best clients because . . .
  • My perfect clients are always in perfect alignment with what I offer because
  • I easily and effortlessly manifest my perfect clients into reality by
  • Being a person who attracts great clients is easy for me when I . . .
  • When I am open and receptive to new opportunities, I find that my best clients come to me because
  • I always put my best foot forward with every client, and they can feel the love and passion I have for my work because

General Manifestation Sentence Starters

Here are some great general sentence starters you can use for manifesting anything.

  • I quickly and effortlessly manifest what I want in my life by
  • I attract what I want because
  • Every day, I get closer and closer to my goals by
  • I am an open and receptive vessel for receiving blessings and abundance in all forms, including
  • By staying positive and focused, I can attract everything I desire into my life, including
  • Today, I allow myself to be happy and grateful for all that I have, knowing that more good is on the way because

Manifestation Sentence Starters vs. Affirmations

There is a difference between manifestation sentence starters and affirmations. Sentence starters help you with the law of attraction scripting exercises, while affirmations are positive 'mantras' you repeat to yourself to shift your energy.

Affirmations are a quick way to change your vibration and influence your subconscious mind to help attract what you want.

For example, if you're trying to attract more money into your life, you might say, "I am abundant and wealthy." This is an affirmative statement that will help you change your vibe and put into the universe that you're ready to start attracting more money. However, manifestation sentence starters are specifically written to help you focus on what you want to manifest. They are also less emotionally charged than affirmations, which makes them more likely to work because you don't have your subconscious mind telling you that you don't deserve it.

Manifestation Sentence Starters Facts and Questions

Let's answer some commonly facts and questions about manifestation sentence starters

What is a manifestation sentence?

A manifestation sentence is a sentence you say to help make something happen through the written word.

What are some examples of manifestation sentences?

You can see multiple examples of manifestation sentences in the above blog posts.

Do manifestation sentences work?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The effectiveness of manifestation sentences will vary from person to person. However, please remember that many people report positive results from manifestation sentences.

How do I create my manifestation sentence?

To create your manifestation sentence:

  1. Start by thinking about what you want to manifest.
  2. Once you have a clear idea of what you want, come up with a sentence that affirms your desire.
  3. Be clear and specific with your wording, and focus on feeling positive and confident about your goals.

What are some things to keep in mind when writing manifestation sentences?

When writing manifestation sentences, some things to keep in mind include being clear and specific with your wording, focusing on feeling positive and confident about what you want to achieve, and using upbeat language. Being patient and trusting the process is essential, as manifesting your desired outcome may take time. Write in the present tense as if you were to create your manifestation sentence.


You have the power to create your reality through manifestation. By using manifestation sentence starters, you can script the reality you want into existence. Now that you have many starter sentences, what will you manifest today? Remember that the sky is the limit.

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