Everything You Need To Know About Starting A Manifestation Journal

Written by Savannah Moon02. 06. 23.

So you're ready to start a manifestation journal? Keep scrolling to learn the ins and outs of the process.

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Starting a Manifestation Journal

From making vision boards to reciting affirmations, you are not short of manifestation techniques to try. Lately, manifestation journaling has been gaining quite a lot of popularity. Therefore, it is worth considering if you are interested in manifesting your goals and attracting abundance.

As you may already know, journaling helps clarify your mind about what you truly want. Couple it with manifestation, and you can turn your desires into reality. Starting one can help transport your positive thoughts into a physical realm while taking your intentions and desires to the next level.

According to the Law of Attraction, positive thoughts can intentions can attract positive results. The basic principles of manifestation are based on the Law of Attraction. In simple terms, manifesting using the Law of Attraction involves using positivity and belief to attract something tangible in your life.

Types of Manifestation Journals

What you write in a manifestation journal depends on your technique, approach, and intentions. Here are different types of manifestation journals you must know about.

1.     Gratitude Journal

Feelings of gratefulness and expressing gratitude help shift your perspective toward life and the world to a more positive one. For that reason, keeping a manifestation journal is a widespread technique. Creating a gratitude journal involves listing the things you are grateful for.

For example, you may come home after work and write, “I am grateful for my colleague’s support at work,” in your gratitude journal.

2.     5x55 Manifestation Method

The 5x55-manifestation method involves writing down a goal or an intention fifty-five times daily. Doing so can create an illusion to make your goal seem like a reality. You will no longer feel like your goal is far off in the future. Instead, it starts feeling like you have already achieved it.

3.     369 Manifestation Technique

The 369 manifestation technique is similar to the 5x55 manifestation technique. The only difference between the two is that the former requires writing more repetitions over a particular amount of days. This manifestation journaling method involves writing three lines in the morning, six in the afternoon, and nine in the evening. You must repeat the process for twenty consecutive days.

4.     Vision Board Journal

As the name suggests, a vision board refers to the visual representation of your goal, dream, or desire. A vision journal is similar to an art journal, where you draw or stick images that visually represent your goals. Keeping a vision board journal influences the mind, helping you set intentions and keep track of your goals.

5.     Prompt Manifestation Journal

Prompt manifestation journaling combines the touted benefits of manifestation and journaling, delivering the best of both worlds. It involves creating question prompts and answering them to practice manifestation. Some prompts to help you get started include “what does your dream life look like?” “What is your purpose?” and “what is no longer serving you?”

Step-By-Step Guide to Create a Manifestation Journal

Here is a simple step by step guide on everything you need to know about starting a manifestation journal

Step 1. Decide a Template

Many people feel at a loss for words when making journal entries. Adopting a template can help overcome this affliction, though there are no right or wrong ways of starting a journal. Templates offer ideas and guidance for beginners.

Step 2. Select a Technique

As mentioned above, you can use various techniques for journal manifestation. These include prompts, affirmations, a manifestation list, a gratitude list, visual records, etc.

Hacks to Starting a Manifestation Journal

Maintaining a journaling practice may be the most challenging part of keeping a manifestation journal. Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind.

1.     Make Time

Many people think that they must journal at the end of the day. However, you can choose any time during your day for journaling. Setting aside at least fifteen minutes of your day for manifestation journaling is ideal.

2.     Clear the Distractions

You must have a focused mindset when you sit down to write in your manifestation journal. Therefore, remove all the distractions that might disconnect you from your manifestation journey.

3.     Meditate before You Start

Ideally, you want to clear your head of negative thoughts, fears, doubts, etc. Meditation can help you get in the right mindset, eliminating intrusive thoughts.

4.     Use Scripting Methods

Scripting manifestation methods are excellent for fueling positive thoughts when making a manifestation journal entry. These typically include “I am” affirmations, techniques like 777 and 111 manifestations, and lists.

Other Manifestation Journal Uses

Here are some other ways to use your manifestation journal

1.     Write out Evening Reflections

Do nightly reflections. Starting a routine of writing out reflections of how your day went can aim to improve emotional and mental well-being. It is about letting out your worries on paper, identifying patterns, and celebrating the days wins. Doing so helps etch positive thoughts and a positive attidue in your subconscious before bed.

2.     Set Daily Intentions

Set your intentions for the day! Daily intentions are typically a part of morning routines, where individuals write down goals they intend to accomplish during the day. It does not have to be big; even setting a tiny goal can help develop a positive frame of mind.

3.    Manifest Love

If you are single, you want to list all the good things in your previous romantic relationships. Doing so can create a better picture of a compatible romantic partner.

What is a Manifestation Journal?

While the idea of manifestation sounds great, practicing it is an entire ball game. It requires maintaining a calm mind and focus. The law of attraction can only work miracles when you have a positive mindset.

Of course, staying positive is easier said than done, especially when experiencing highs and lows on your journey. Maintaining a manifestation journal is one of the most straightforward techniques to help you gain clarity of your desires, develop a positive attitude, and sustain mental focus.

Essentially, a manifestation journal is a dedicated journal to manifest your goals. It serves as a record for your manifestation journal. However, more importantly, a manifestation journal helps align your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

How a Manifestation Journal Works

If you are familiar with the concept of manifestation, you probably know that it can be done in several ways. You can use meditation, visualization, or writing. The latter involves starting a journal by using a mix of positive affirmations and writing down your intentions.

Making a dedicated journal helps develop a habit of immediately traveling in a positive mindset when you grab your manifestation journal. As such, a journal helps organize your thoughts while acting as a trigger for positive energies.

Benefits of Journaling

Journaling has several perks; let us have a quick rundown of the benefits of journaling.

  • Helps track your progress: Journaling lets you see where you started and how far you have come.
  • Makes you confident: You are much more confident when you are in touch with your inner self.
  • Helps you in achieving your goals: Writing down your desires helps set your mind on them, driving you toward achievement.

Bottom Line

Manifestation journaling is a systematic way of writing down your thoughts and feelings throughout your manifestation journey. You want to stay focused when you manifest something, but “getting in the zone” is often hard to achieve. A dedicated manifestation can help you achieve that while offering several other benefits.

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